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Teaser : « David et Jonathas »


« David et Jonathas » seen by Sébastien Daucé !


« David et Jonathas » seen by Jean Bellorini!


Behind the masks of the opera « David et Jonathas » at the théâtre de Caen


Teaser « Messe de Minuit » | Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé


The Musical Hours of the Sainte-Chapelle [TEASER] | ensemble Correspondances • CMN

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Teaser « Locke : Psyche » | Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé

Mask Group

The Correspondances ensemble at the Louvre Museum

For a concert, the Ensemble Correspondance takes over the Salle des Caryatides of the Louvre Museum. It will perform works by Lully, Cavalli and Boësset.

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Perpetual Night | Ensemble Correspondances

Recording made at the Boston Early Music Festival 2021

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Teaser « Perpetual Night » | Ensemble Correspondances

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Teaser « Concert royal de la Nuit » | Ensemble Correspondances

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Fragments amoureux · Gala Lully

Recording made at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées for the "Dance and Music" digital festival.

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Teaser « Litanies de la Vierge » – Marc-Antoine Charpentier | Ensemble Correspondances


Le Ballet Royal de la Nuit


This edition brings together the full text of the original libretto of the Royal Night Ballet composed by the poet Isaac de Benserade and the contemporary drawings made by the painter Olivier Charpentier for the costumes designed with the choreographer Francesca Lattuada on the occasion of the show premiered at the Caen theater in November 2017 under the musical direction of Sébastien Daucé.

Le Ballet Royal de la Nuit


This publication includes the score restored by Sébastien Daucé of the Ballet royal de la Nuit – thanks to his rewriting of the intermediate and bass parts according to the original sources – original facsimiles of the score kept at the BnF, as well as a scientific commentary of the score.
