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Environnemental charter

Faced with the ecological emergency, the performing arts sector must also rethink its habits. Correspondances is committed to reducing its impact on the environment, with the help of the ensemble’s artists and the venues in which it performs. The ensemble is a member of the association ARVIVA – Arts vivants, Arts durables.

The important activity of touring in Europe and internationally of Correspondances makes transportation the main source of CO2 emissions of the ensemble. To reduce its impact, Correspondances has decided to replace air travel by train for productions on the European continent, even when this involves more travel time and expense.
L’ensemble incite fortement les musiciens à un ensemble de bonnes pratiques : transports en commun dans les villes et depuis les aéroports, covoiturage et limitation de la voiture personnelle…

The hotel industry is the second largest source of CO2 emissions, with more than 1,500 overnight stays per season. This is mainly due to the laundry and the energy consuming infrastructures of the hotels. Correspondances is committed to using hotels that have been labeled and recognized for their commitment to ecology as soon as possible, and encourages homestay accommodation as soon as possible. We ask the hotels that host us to make efforts on the following points: limiting the use of bedding and towels, cleaning for less than three nights, breakfast including products in short circuit…

In the offices of the complex, special attention is dedicated to green suppliers: energy, supplies, food consumption …

Waste management

The engagement of Correspondances also includes the reduction of its waste, in particular on the places of rehearsal and representation.

Plastic use is controlled:

  • by asking the artists to bring their water bottles, and the venues to provide water fountains
  • by asking for local catering and without packaging
  • requiring hotels not to provide cosmetic samples (which are non-recyclable) or plastic cups in rooms
  • by favouring the rental of equipment (office equipment, technical equipment, etc.) over the purchase of equipment for occasional use

ARVIVA – Arts vivants, Arts durables

ARVIVA was born out of the realization that the performing arts have a major role to play in addressing environmental issues. After more than a year of collective work, the nine founders of ARVIVA, all professionals of the performing arts, decided to structure themselves to act concretely and sustainably.

ARVIVA’s ambition is to bring together all the actors of the performing arts: artists, producers, technicians, agents, venues, ensembles, orchestras, companies, independents, all disciplines and aesthetics combined.

Its objective is to question the daily practices of the performing arts industry in order to identify sustainable alternatives to reduce the environmental impact of this sector, by including all the links in the chain, from creation, to production and distribution, to communication.